UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Grey’s Anatomy: 9.21 Screencaps + 9.22 Promo
Justin Chambers Online

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We’re in the homestretch of season 9 of Grey’s Anatomy with the season finale airing in 3 weeks (May 16). The screencaps from last night’s episode have been added to the gallery. Click on the link for the album.

9.21 – Sleeping Monster

Next Thursday airs episode 9.22, “Do You Believe In Magic”, and below is the promo for it.

5 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy: 9.21 Screencaps + 9.22 Promo”
  1. katie says:

    beautiful!! Justin’s acting was super and his scene with Cristina (Sandra) is the best of all season!

  2. Willa says:

    I enjoyed the scen with Justin & Sandra too.
    BTW..the video channel does not show videos. 🙁

  3. Diana says:

    I told Fay about the videos when you first pointed it out but she’s been busy with a project. She said she’d have more time to figure it out the coming weeks. Sorry about that. 🙁

  4. Willa says:

    No problem. I am just glad she does know.

  5. Diana says:

    She does but I don’t know when it’ll be fixed. Thanks again.

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