UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Video Archive Opened, Camilla Luddington mentions Justin, Fan Pics
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

For those who might not be aware yet, the video archive has been reopened. It’s still a work in progress and I’ll be adding more videos over time, but there are quite a few already up. Check them out at jchambersmedia.com

In an interview with Line Magazine, actress Camilla Luddington (Jo Wilson on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’) briefly mentions Justin.

What are some of your best on-set experiences you’ve had with your fellow Grey’s cast mates? Who makes you laugh the most?

Camilla: In general Jessica Capshaw makes me laugh the most. We always have a hard time getting through scenes because I will find something hilarious that she does. A stand-out memory for me… there’s a period where Jo and Alex tease their romance for an entire season. The first kiss was very special to me cause I was rooting for them all season. They are best friends on the show. Justin Chambers and I would even ask the writers, “When are Alex and Jo getting together? We know they’re meant to be together!” It was a really great memory. I loved that moment for her.

Camilla’s full interview can be read at line-mag.com

Several fans crossed paths with Justin while he’s been spending time in NY. Click on the thumbnails of the fans’ pics to see them at the source.

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