★ The Winter (mid-season) finale of Grey’s Anatomy aired last night and ABC released six stills of the big Alex and Jo moment and a behind-the-scenes photo of Justin, Ellen Pompeo, Camilla Luddington and Caterina Scorsone filming the carpool scene. The high quality photos have been added to the gallery and the album link is below.
Promotional Photos > 12.08 – Things We Lost in the Fire
★ Yesterday, Jessica Capshaw posted this cute selfie with Justin during the table read for Grey’s episode 12.12.
★ With the Winter finale having aired, Grey’s Anatomy is once again on hiatus until February 11 when it returns with episode 12.09 titled “The Sound of Silence”.
There isn’t a promo with new scenes yet, but here’s a promo teasing the return of the TGIT lineup in 12 weeks.