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Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

On Thursday, Jerrika Hinton, who plays Stephanie Edwards on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, tweeted that she was about to shoot an elevator scene with Justin (they are currently shooting episode 11.04). A while later she posted the following photo on Instagram.


Two weeks ago I posted a commercial that was airing on belgian TV channel VIJF promoting its Tuesday lineup and featuring Justin. We have a new commercial from the same channel, but this time Justin is in scrubs and a lab coat promoting ‘Grey’s Anatomy’. Check it out:


The HD Room is holding a ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 10 DVD giveaway for residents of the US/Canada. To enter the contest you have to fill out the form at the site. The contest ends on October 3, 2014.

Here is the link to the contest and also this Q&A with Justin: www.thehdroom.com

Q: You’ve been on the show from the beginning while many of your co-stars have come and gone. Do you have any favorite memories of those co-stars?
A: So many. It’s kind of insane how many people have come in and out of the show and after being on it for so many years you kind of forget some of the plots and some of the actors. Off the top of my head I can’t think of a favorite memory but I do miss a lot of the people who have left, like T.R. Knight [George O’Malley], Katherine Heigl [Izzie Stevens] and Kate Walsh [Addison Montgomery].

Q: Do you think Alex becoming a pediatrician is a nice evolution for the character?
A: Definitely. In the very beginning, Alex went in wanting to be a plastic surgeon. He was inspired by the money and the acclaim, but now he has found his bedside manner through working with children and that’s brought out more interesting aspects of his personality. He’s good at it too, so it was definitely a good career choice.

Q: What’s been your most memorable on-set blooper?
A: Probably the time when a light fell down and it almost hit an actor who was lying on a table. McDreamy [Patrick Dempsey] was there and he saved the day by pushing the light away. It was very heroic.

Q: So you always get everything right yourself?
A: [Laughs] Oh no, I always get something wrong. I have a thing that’s almost like Tourettes where when I can’t get certain words down I just start cussing. Then at the end of the year they do a reel of all the bloopers and there’s Justin cussing over and over again.

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Justin did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge along with his son Jackson and Camilla Luddington sent the video to her fan site CamillaLuddington.org.

To check out Justin and Jackson doing the challenge, click on this link: http://camillaluddington.org/justin-chambers-does-the-als-ice-bucket-challenge/. Thank you to Camilla and Laura from camillaluddington.org for sharing the video.

To read what the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is about and to donate to the cause, please visit The ALS Association.


I have added another interview to our gallery. This time it’s an interview from Portuguese magazine LuxWOMAN. Click on the thumbnails for the album with the scans and/or read below for a translation of the interview that covers a wide range of topics.



LuxWOMAN – August 2014

We’re at The Coronthia hotel, right next to the busy Charing Cross train station in London. Today, the ABC Studios European Press Tour is taking place, and on the first floor the agitation is considerable. Journalists from around the world are divided in groups and seated in rooms. In our room is Italy, New Zealand, England and Belgium. In the group interviews, the journalists alternate their questions during 20 minutes to actors from various shows that, in Portugal, mostly air on the channels Fox and Fox Life.

But the highlight of the trip is the individual interview: 10 minutes, without the presence of a publcist, with some faces that we have only seen until now on TV and in magazines. LuxWOMAN, after several mishaps, cancellations and confirmations, managed to have its one-on-one time, as they say here, with Justin Chambers, the Alex Karev of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’.

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The set of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ had a special guest visiting yesterday. Renowned musician Sheila E. spent some time on set and posted a photo with Justin on her Facebook page and Instagram. Check it out:


Camilla Luddington tweeted the following photo with Justin on the set of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ where they are currently shooting episode 11.03. Cute! 🙂