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There’s a new extended promo for Grey’s Anatomy. The season finale is looking good… 😀


In an interview with actress Candice Afia, she mentions working with Justin:

SheKnows:Professionally or personally, were there particular actors or actresses on the Grey’s Anatomy set that you felt a certain affinity with?

Candice Afia: I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many of them — equal amounts of time. I’ve really enjoyed working with Justin Chambers, who plays my resident. He’s such a sweetheart. It’s funny: His character is such a gruff bad-boy type. Before I joined the show, I didn’t really know what to expect. When I first met him, I was given the direction to be scared of him. He’s mean. [But] he’s so nice! He’s got five kids. He’s such a down-to-earth person.


Celebrity Campers Share the Importance of the Camp Experience

     The American Camp Association® (ACA) is proud to announce the release of a public service announcement titled Because of Camp…™. This PSA highlights celebrities including Emma Roberts, Hill Harper, Lisa Loeb, Kerri Strug, Michael DeLorenzo, Justin Chambers, Paul Adelstein, James Pickens, Blair Underwood, Sharon Lawrence, Frank Sesno, Glynn Turman, Ashlan Gorse, and Lisa Raye sharing how their lives have changed Because of Camp…™.

Justin shows up around the 0:13 mark.


For obvious reasons I went a little overboard screencapping this week (271 caps!). Alexander Michael Karev does this to me! 😉 Once again, congrats to the cast and crew of Grey’s Anatomy for reaching the 100th episode milestone!

5.22 – What a Difference a Day Makes

Next week is the 2 hour season finale of Grey’s Anatomy and here are the promos (ABC and CTV) for it:


For obvious reasons I went a little overboard screencapping this week (271 caps!). Alexander Michael Karev does this to me! 😉 Once again, congrats to the cast and crew of Grey’s Anatomy for reaching the 100th episode milestone!

5.22 – What a Difference a Day Makes

Next week is the 2 hour season finale of Grey’s Anatomy and here are the promos (ABC and CTV) for it:


TV Appearances

  • Justin will be appearing on Good Morning America on Tuesday, May 5th.
  • Also a reminder that Justin will be appearing on The View Wednesday, May 6th.

 Three more sneak peeks from the 100th episode of Grey’s Anatomy have been released featuring Justin/Alex. The first one… wow, just wow. Great job Justin! 😀


Here’s brief Justin mention from a TV Guide interview with actress Sharon Lawrence who played Izzie’s mom:

TVGuide.com: It’s too bad Robbie didn’t surface under better circumstances. Based on her first scene, there could have been an effective triangle with her, Alex and Izzie.

Lawrence: [Laughs] There is right away a sense that Robbie just can’t help herself from responding in that flirtatious way. Justin [Chambers] is another one of my favorite actors on the show. He was really charming and sweet to work with. You know, this is actually my first hospital show in all these years! I’m such a fan of [Grey’s creator] Shonda [Rhimes] and [executive producer] Betsy [Beers].

Screencaps from yesterday’s episode of Grey’s have been added to the gallery:
5.21 – No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance)

Promo for next week’s episode and also the sneak peek featuring Justin/Alex (another sneak peek can be seen here –> LINK):


Here’s brief Justin mention from a TV Guide interview with actress Sharon Lawrence who played Izzie’s mom:

TVGuide.com: It’s too bad Robbie didn’t surface under better circumstances. Based on her first scene, there could have been an effective triangle with her, Alex and Izzie.

Lawrence: [Laughs] There is right away a sense that Robbie just can’t help herself from responding in that flirtatious way. Justin [Chambers] is another one of my favorite actors on the show. He was really charming and sweet to work with. You know, this is actually my first hospital show in all these years! I’m such a fan of [Grey’s creator] Shonda [Rhimes] and [executive producer] Betsy [Beers].

Screencaps from yesterday’s episode of Grey’s have been added to the gallery:
5.21 – No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance)

Promo for next week’s episode and also the sneak peek featuring Justin/Alex (another sneak peek can be seen here –> LINK):