UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

I added the new Grey’s Anatomy season 6 cast promotional pics to the gallery.

Season 6 Cast Promos


I added the new Grey’s Anatomy season 6 cast promotional pics to the gallery.

Season 6 Cast Promos


I added 2 small clippings from Us magazine. The clipping from the latest issue of the magazine contains spoilers on the next season of Grey’s Anatomy so whoever wants to remain unspoiled I recommend not clicking on the link.

Us Weekly – July 6, 2009
Us Weekly – September 7, 2009 **spoilers**

New promo for the Grey’s Anatomy season premiere


I added 2 small clippings from Us magazine. The clipping from the latest issue of the magazine contains spoilers on the next season of Grey’s Anatomy so whoever wants to remain unspoiled I recommend not clicking on the link.

Us Weekly – July 6, 2009
Us Weekly – September 7, 2009 **spoilers**

New promo for the Grey’s Anatomy season premiere


A couple of mentions of Justin have come up in the press. First a mention at the Music Mogul competition:

Grey’s Anatomy’s Justin Chambers and wife Keisha, cozying up at Music Mogul.com’s Talent Search finals at L.A.’s House of Blues. “The two cuddled in a table on the balcony directly in front of the stage” as they discussed the competition, says an eyewitness.


Second, a mention in an interview with Chyler Leigh (plays Lexie Grey in “Grey’s Anatomy”). She recently had a baby and gave People magazine an interview which will be featured in the August 31st issue:

The well-behaved baby has already won over the actors on her mom’s hit show. “Justin [Chambers] nicknamed her Baby Elvis because of her mohawk,” Chyler says. The cast has showered the new arrival with gifts — mostly of the eco-friendly variety: “Justin got us organic cotton onesies, as well as gifts for the older kids,” she shares. “Eric [Dane] got us organic baby diaper ointment and lotions and Shonda [Rhimes] got us a huge Saks Fifth Avenue basket, which was really sweet.”

Celebrity Baby Blog/People magazine


Justin was out and about in Beverly Hills on Saturday and I added a few candids to the gallery. I replaced the Music Mogul competition pics with high quality ones. Also a big thank you goes out to Arwen who kindly offered to let us use her personal pics from the Grey’s Anatomy press conference at the Rome Fiction Fest last month. 🙂 I added a few of her pics to the gallery but many more can be seen at Arwen’s Flickr account.

3rd Annual Rome Fiction Fest – Press Conference – July 8
Music Mogul’s First Music Competition – August 18
Beverly Hills – August 22


What the title says…