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Justin Chambers Online

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Due to unforeseen circumstances I won’t be able to screencap last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy until next week. However, there’s a promo and a sneak peek out for the next episode titled “Change of Heart” and they can be watched below.


Sneak peek


Camilla Luddington tweeted a pic with Justin on her last day of filming season 10 of Grey’s Anatomy.

Justin posted a new pic on his Instagram of an autographed pic of actor Adam West as Batman. He also answered more fan questions so continue on reading.


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When word got out on April 2nd that Justin had joined Instagram fans headed over to his account to welcome him and he spent over two hours interacting with fans.

Below are several of the questions and comments Justin replied to. Due to the nature of Instagram, I was unable to get everything. Sorry about that, but there’s still a lot to enjoy.

Please note: because a few questions were similar I added the replies under the same question.


Favorite number: 7
Favorite sport: Tennis
Favorite color: Black
Favorite TV show: Judge Judy
Favorite movie: Goodfellas
Favorite type of food: Mexican
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and cream
First tattoo: ‘Keisha forever’

What’s your favorite animal?
Sloths crack me up.

Me and xxxxxx live in your hometown and we’re wondering when you might be coming back to visit?

Will you Instagram next time you’re in Ohio?

When asked if he’ll join Twitter
– One day:-)
– I’m going to work this format for now:-)

Have you ever been to the Dominican Republic?
I have. A few times. Amazing place.

Do you have lots of pets?
Too many

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The gallery has been updated with screencaps from the most recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Click on the link for the album.

Screencaps > 10.19 – I’m Winning

With five episodes left in season 10, next Thursday airs episode “Go It Alone” and the promo for it can be watched below.


In the April 21st edition of Us Weekly, the focus of the “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me” feature is none other than Justin! Click on the image to learn more about him from the man himself.



Departing Grey’s Anatomy cast member Sandra Oh tweeted about her last table read with her Grey’s family, including how she has sat beside Justin for the past 10 years. Below are the two tweets related to Justin. For the rest, click the link for Sandra’s Twitter page.


TV Guide posted a new interview where Justin discusses the possibility of Alex leaving Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and joining a private practice. Read on to see what he has to say.

Grey’s Anatomy: Will Alex Really Leave Grey Sloan Memorial?

Could another doctor say farewell to the hallowed halls of Grey Sloan Memorial before the end of Grey’s Anatomy’s tenth season? With the mounting pressure of his student loans soon being due, Alex (Justin Chambers) might be swayed to join Dr. Butthole’s (Patrick Fabian) private practice.

“This is somebody who Alex [is] taken by what’s going on with his life,” Chambers tells TVGuide.com. “This guy is still young. He’s got cars, a nice office and a good job. What he does is easy. He could do it blindfolded. Alex thinks, ‘Wow, maybe I could do this. I still have all these loans. I’m broke. Maybe I need to start possibly thinking of joining a private practice.’ He’s starting to see that he could maybe profit a little more than he has and also still be able to do charitable and humanitarian things that he’s been doing as a doctor.”

But that decision won’t come lightly. After all, Alex is part of the original Fab Five of interns whose careers have been defined by their time at the hospital formerly known as Seattle Grace. And if his emotional ties won’t keep him at the hospital, then his mentor Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) certainly will try. “I do not think she will let him go very easily,” Capshaw says. “Just flashback to the fact that he was supposed to be on the plane. He can’t have had her go on the plane and then go off with Dr. Butthole, that’s not going to go down well for her.

Still, Alex considering taking the job is “justified,” Chambers says. “Especially now that he’s in a relationship, he has a home now, maybe he wants to start a family and he wants to pay off these debts, he might want the money.”

Would you miss Alex if he left Grey Sloan?