UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » recent events on the tagboard
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

I wanted to clear up some recent tags which have been posted on the tagboard. Please check all the recent messages if you haven’t got a clue what I’m typing about. Some of you may think I’m sad, but to be honest I DONT CARE. The situation has been cleared up, and those which have dissed the site and been impersonating have been banned from the tagboard and soon the site. Firstly, we did not have Justin Chambers on the site. Sorry guys. The tagname ‘jchambers’ and ‘kateDreamy’ are the same person, and they are from London, Uk while the real Justin was in El Salvador. I also though it was weird that Justin has been on the Five forum, seeing as it’s tiny and mainly for english fans who watch GA on Five. Evidence 1 Secondly, ‘cj’, ‘mccool’, ‘hey5’, ‘hey4’, ‘hey3’, ‘hey2’ and ‘hey’ are also the same person. Comes from Reston Virginia, USA. Evidence 2 – Just for everyone else that wants to know, I come from England too, but in the north. People I know generally wouldn’t do this either. And finally you may read that ‘cj’ asked for my email address to send me some evidence that it is Justin… well I’m still waiting for this. I’m not going to accept responsibility for exposing ip addresses of offenders, whatever happens, it’s their own faults. Credits behind this investigation, go to:Ipligence and Cbox

3 Responses to “recent events on the tagboard”
  1. Mona says:

    Thanks for clarification. I really didn't believe it's the actor himself. Anyway, the real JC wouldn't hesitate to show/give a proof that's really him. 😉

  2. cj says:

    Hello I've been trying to contact you for a few days now. I keep on getting your email address sent back to me via yahoo but we have to clear up this situation. Do you have a secondary email address? I don't feel comfortable giving you my email address on a public forum and I don't know why I'm being brought into this situation as an offender and would like to correct this all.

  3. cj says:

    Okay Fay, I tried emailing you. Hoping it goes thru.

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