UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » 2010 » July
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

Sorry for the lack of updates but I’ve been very busy. I still got a lot going on for the next couple of weeks so I’ll only make an update if something more relevant comes along.

Justin has been back home in LA from his vacation in Hawaii for over a week now. Pics of him doing some shopping in Maui have been added to the gallery.

Maui, Hawaii – June 22

Justin returns to work for season 7 of Grey’s Anatomy on Monday (July 12) when the read through for the first episode is scheduled according to Krista Vernoff (Grey’s writer and producer). The season 7 premiere will be on September 23rd.

In the meantime, here’s an interview with Justin at the CA SPAY event he attended almost a month ago. Justin’s face during the portions where the interviewer is talking makes me 😆 .

FYI, the smart dog that Justin mentions he adopted three years ago is Cha Cha. She was adopted from Ruff HouZen Rescue and this a pic of when she was adopted (click on the pic to see bigger):

More pics from this day can be seen here: Adopting a dog – June 3, 2007


Apologies for the downtime we had over the weekend. WE moved servers for the final time this year. It took longer, because the hosting company always asks me to confirm that i wanted to move and when it had to be done, i was also at work over the weekend, so i couldn’t change the name-servers till i got back, and then they had to propagate.

We won’t be moving again for awhile, it hurts my head too much and is a big effort. But thank you for you patience. and we love you. :mrgreen: