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Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

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All hostees at fan-sites.org, have had gallery uploads disabled after a recent site hack overload. Many sites had been hacked into through our coppermine galleries, thankfully ours was not one of them. At the moment the only way the hostees can upload pictures is through the ‘batch add files’ feature, unfortunatly ours isn’t working and i keep getting a message up. This problem is corrently being asked in the coppermine gallery forum, and this problem, will be resolved soon.Then, we may be able to make some more image updates, it is unknown when the gallery uploads will be allowed, but all hostees have had to upload to the latest version of coppermine (just been done) and disable uploads to non registered users.Through, all this I am currently installing affiliationally (an affiliate sorting script), to the site. This will hopefully, progress our move to php and ease the adding affiliates.


Ok im back from my fab holiday, check my personal for all the gossip. It looks like Diana has been really busy, while i havn’t been! Most of the pictures are over here now, i just have to add all the screencaps i have, this should be done in the next week. Getting a new gallery header, the old one was boring and not very good i have to admit and im going to alter the template a bit. I just have to change the ads now, and then we should be all up.!


ok, we are up online at fan-sites, the ads will change next we as i am going on holiday for a week, (tomorrow morning i go), everything will be a bit boring at the moment, i dont have time to add the avaters back up for the cutenews, neither do i have time to change the template, add a gallery header up or make and categories. I will be back in a week and then more site stuff will happen until then only gallery and news will be updated by the fabulous, Diana.