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Here’s an interview with Fox Life Greece that Justin gave while at the 54th Monte Carlo Television Festival this past June.

Ahead of the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy tomorrow night, Camilla Luddington gave an interview to Fox 11 LA where she discusses the story line her character is involved in at the beginning of season which naturally includes Alex. She also briefly mentions Justin. The interview can be watched at myfoxla.com

She also gave an interview to TV Line which can be read in its entirety at the following link: http://tvline.com/2014/09/24/greys-anatomy-season-11-camilla-luddington-jo-alex-meredith/. Below is the part that mentions Alex.

TVLINE | And what fresh drama awaits Jo?
Well, Meredith is leaning on Alex as her new “person,” because Cristina’s gone and he is the last remaining original intern. And — because I was trying to think back about this – I think Jo’s never actually witnessed that relationship before and the depth of it and how, with all of that gang, there were kind of no boundaries. It was like a family. So she sees that and is kind of taken aback, Grey’s Anatomy Meredith Alexand is jealous, and doesn’t really know what to do. She wants to play it cool, but Meredith kind of wedges herself right into that relationship. It makes for some drama, but it makes for funny moments, too.

TVLINE | Is Jo jealous of the amount of time Alex is spending with Meredith, the quality of the time, the intensity…?
All of the above, all of it. I mean, if I was in that situation, I would have a fight about it because it’s way too much. But of course, for [Alex and Mer] it’s normal. He’s the person that Meredith wants to talk to constantly and Jo’s thinking, “Where has my boyfriend gone?”

TVLINE | What’s Jo’s take on what Cristina left for Alex? Is she like, “You hit the jackpot”? That it’s a sign for him to come back to the hospital?
Jo has that competitive nature in her, so it’s all about Team Alex, which you kind of get in the first episode. She thinks [joining the board] is the right thing to do, because Alex did have reservations about the job with “Dr. Butthole,” but he needed the money because he’s not very good at keeping up with his bills, as Jo discovered, horrified. To get on the board and be back at Grey Sloan would be the best of both worlds. Whether he gets on the board… you guys will have to find out.

TVLINE | On a scale of 1 to 10, where would you put their relationship right now?

It’s kind of not been addressed yet, so I would say maybe a 5 or a 6.

TVLINE | Wow, really?
Because these two aren’t very good at communication. We know this. I mean, they really have to get it together. Jo really doesn’t want to have “that conversation” with him and there are episodes where she says, “Hey, I need some time with you.” She wants to play it cool, but that never helps.

TVLINE | OK, enough about Alex. Is Jo feeling any solidarity with Stephanie, the other “surviving” member of Season 9’s intern class?
Actually, in the couple of scenes they have together, they’re very competitive, believing they now have a chance to stand out. They’ve seen someone fired, so it’s like, “OK, I really have to step it up or else I’m going to go too.” [Leah getting fired] kind of lit a fire under them. Except Jo also does kind of lean on Stephanie as a sounding board for her relationship with Alex.


I should’ve mentioned this before, but better later than never. It’s impossible for me to get my hands on every single interview that comes out in different countries. If anyone wants to share an article or interview (any language – I’ll deal with translating it, if I can) and would be willing to send in the scan(s), it would be greatly appreciated and you’ll be credited. You can e-mail me at: diana6022@gmail.com . Thanks! 🙂

Here is another interview Justin gave while doing press for ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ this summer in Europe. The scan of the interview has been added to the gallery (click on the image for the album) and the english translation is below.

Metro – August 19, 2014
«Grey’s Anatomy owes its success to its diversity.»

While the 10th season of Grey’s Anatomy will resume September 16 on VIJF, we met Justin Chambers, aka the handsome and tortured Dr. Karev on the popular medical drama. The 44-year-old actor, who is part of the original cast, reveals the secret of this longevity. He talks about his character, his experience on the show and also tells us a few anecdotes from filming.

After ten seasons, how do you see the evolution of the series?
In the current television climate, it is rare that a show lasts so long while still having quality. There are always more viewers, this is a true blessing! And it’s always very exciting. All the credit goes to Shonda Rhimes, who has created something new, that has kept people interested, with characters who are always interesting.

You are part of the original cast. How would you describe your experience?
Long (laughs). I can’t remember my life before the show. I feel that it’s been over ten years that I’ve been doing this. But as an actor, to know where you go to work, have this security, it’s not common. When that happens, it’s something that you should cherish and be grateful. And in addition, we don’t drag our feet to work, it’s a family atmosphere and there is always something new.

What is the secret of such longevity?
There are so many ingredients! But the first one I would mention is the diversity because there are so many different characters. Viewers always find a character that they can identify with. Then, it’s a medical drama so you have the conflict between life and death, illness, etc. You have this hospital but especially these surgeons that we’ve seen evolve since the beginning of their internship to their residency. And then, there are obviously romantic relationships, sex, and now their families.

Read the rest of this entry »


Camilla Luddington posted on Twitter three cute photos she took with Justin at the #TGIT Premiere Event photo booth. I put them in a separate album from the red carpet photos. Check them out below.


From the set of Grey’s Anatomy, Jessica Capshaw posted a photo with Justin and wishing Dan Bucatinsky (former Grey’s writer and consulting producer) a happy birthday.


On Saturday, the casts of Shondaland’s three shows airing on Thursdays on ABC got together at the Palihouse in West Hollywood for the Twitter hosted event on Saturday. Justin attended the event with his wife Keisha and I’ve added some HQ and MQ photos of the couple looking amazing to the gallery.


Some photos of Justin were also posted on social media. The first photo of Justin with Jesse Williams was posted by Ellen Pompeo and the others by fans who met him that night. Click on the thumbnails for the bigger pics.

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There’s a sneak peek out for this Thursday’s season premiere of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ where we get a brief glimpse of Justin. Check it out below.

Justin’s buddy, Kelley posted a new Instagram pic of the two of them with Justin’s son Jackson. Looks like they all had some fun on dirt bikes on Sunday.


Justin and his friend Kelley Sane were test-driving a Jaguar on Friday. Below is a photo Kelley uploaded to Instagram of Justin behind the wheel.


I added 2 HQ photos from next Thursday’s season premiere of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ titled “I Must Have Lost It On The Wind”.
