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Here are the screencaps from this week’s episode of Grey’s and the promo for next week’s episode “Almost Grown” is below.

7.04 – Can’t Fight Biology


I added 12 HQ pics of Justin and Ellen Pompeo filming a scene for Grey’s Anatomy in Los Angeles on Wednesday night. Screencaps from last night’s episode will be up later on. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Los Angeles (on location for Grey’s Anatomy) – October 13


TV Guide.com wants to know who’s the hottest doctor on TV.

The doctors are in! Now that the fall TV season is underway and all of your favorite hot M.D.’s are back at work, we want to hear from you! From the Grey’s Anatomy crew to that loveable but cantankerous Dr. House, let us know who you think is the hottest doctor on TV. Sound off in our poll below!

Click here and vote for Justin! :mrgreen:


In an interview with Popstar, Grey’s Anatomy actress Sarah Drew mentions Justin.

Is there anyone in the cast that you have become particularly close to since your arrival?

[…]I also am really close with both Jesse and Justin, and Chyler. The four of those all together are kind of my closest pals on set. […]I’ve been working with Justin a lot this season, and I adore that guy. He’s so fantastic.

The Toronto Sun lets us know that Justin was a parent volunteer coach for an AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) game over the weekend.


Out-of-town visitors to Los Angeles are always wanting to know the best vantage points for prime stargazing.

Well, in addition to the usual assortment of trendy restaurants and nightspots, high-end outdoor malls and farmer’s markets, there’s a new photo op that even the paparazzi may not know about, yet: Kids’ soccer games.

Over the weekend a soccer mom friend was sharing the news that the parent volunteer coaching her young son’s AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) game was none other than Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) from Grey’s Anatomy.

“Our region’s definitely got the hottest soccer dads,” enthused Soccer Mom, also pointing to the presence of another whom she couldn’t quite identify, except for the fact that he was “one of ‘The Others’ from Lost.

She had meant to ask somebody for a positive ID, but she got distracted having to cheer on her kid.

Sneak peek from tomorrow’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy:


ABC released the promotional pics for episode 7.06 “These Arms of Mine” and once again not one of them featured Justin. ๐Ÿ™„ Sidenote: At the moment, I don’t know if I should be surprised or not with the lack of Justin/Alex in all things Grey’s Anatomy but two things are for certain: 1) I’m disappointed with this season so far (not only with Alex’s lack of story line but the show in general); 2) I don’t understand what they’re doing over there. They aren’t using Justin much and they don’t let him do another side project. ๐Ÿ˜ Enough of my venting. Sorry, had to get that out. Back on topic.

Seeing as there are no promo pics for episode 7.06, here is a BTS pic of Justin on set with his “patient” in that episode. Click on the pic.

Screencaps from this week’s episode and the promo for next week’s episode 7.04 “Can’t Fight Biology” are below.

7.03 – Superfreak


Here are a few more reasons to love Justin:

  • Reason #32529:Justin doesn’t care if he looks like a dork dancing on stage.
  • Here is Justin showing us his air guitar playing skills how to support a great cause and have fun at the same time. The 5th Annual Jazz on the Grass event benefiting The Jackie Robinson Foundation was on Saturday and Justin served as a special celebrity host. He even got his buddy, Grey’s Anatomy co-star Kevin McKidd, to join in on the fun (that’s him on the left)! Click on the pic for the lulz. :mrgreen:

  • Reason #32530:Justin is charitable.
  • Besides all the previous charity functions he has participated in, he is once again scheduled to participate in a Word Theatre event called “Stories of Home” benefiting Friendship Shelter. This event will take place on November 14th, 3:00pm, at the Forum Theatre in Laguna Beach, CA.