UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Grey’s Anatomy: Episode 13.11 Screencaps + 13.12 Synopsis & Promo
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Alex Karev is back! In the most recent episode, Justin appeared briefly at the very end, so there are only a few screencaps.
I also redid the screencaps from the season 13 premiere because some of the previous ones had ABC promotional ads on them. (Link: Screencaps > 13.01 – Undo)

Screencaps > 13.11 – Jukebox Hero

The next episode of Grey’s is entitled “None of Your Business.” Check out the synopsis and the promo below.

“None of Your Business” – Maggie gets a surprise visit from her mother at the hospital. Bailey has to make a difficult decision when one of the attendings refuses to work with Eliza, and Stephanie gets caught up in Owen and Amelia’s personal drama, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network.

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