★ Friendly reminder to keep voting for Justin in the The Male TV Star of the 2018 category of the People’s Choice Awards. You can vote 25 times per e-mail and/or Facebook account, per day at the PCA site HERE.
★ ABC released the promotional photos for Grey’s Anatomy episode 15.05 titled “Everyday Angel” which will air on October 25th. There are two featuring Justin and they have been added to the archive.

★ Here is a sneak peek from this Thursday’s episode of Grey’s titled “Momma Knows Best.”
Sneak Peek #GreysAnatomy ep 15.04 "Momma Knows Best" airing on Oct. 11
– Meredith, Alex, Maggie, Amelia pic.twitter.com/FirQfkW0sF
— JustinChambersOnline (@JChambersOnline) October 10, 2018
★ I’m going to leave Sarah Drew’s post here about The Rape Foundation brunch last Sunday because it’s a good read. She also talks about how she and Justin walked on stage to surprise a survivor who adopted April’s strategy with the hospital shooter (Grey’s Anatomy episode 6.24) against her own attacker.