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Hi everyone,

Frequent visitors may know that I have been wanting to change the layout for a few months and that we have also had the previous layout up for over a year.  Finally, I got a new layout, the header is made by Vintage Dreams and I coded the theme.

I have a few more change over the next few days, so look out for these.


Finally done with the screencaps from Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy. They’re up at the gallery so click on the link for the album.

Screencaps > 10.08 – Two Against One

Next Thursday airs a Callie-centric episode titled, “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.” ABC released several promotional photos from the episode and one photo features Justin.

Promotional Photos > 10.09 – Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

You can also check out the promo for episode “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word” below.


I’m still working on the screencaps but they’ll be up later today. In the meantime, here are two cute pics Camilla Luddington posted on Twitter from the set of Grey’s Anatomy where they are currently filming episode 10.11.


&#9733 In an interview with TV Line, Camilla Luddington spoke about the events in this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy and also what is coming for “Jolex”. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

TVLINE | Were you on the edge of seat when you first read that final scene, where she’s at Alex’s doorstep? When a couple has a door between them, it could always slam in someone’s face.
It was hard for me, these past two episodes, because I really just feel for Jo. Usually when we’re not filming a scene, we’re not present, but I went and watched the scene that Justin [Chambers] and James Remar filmed in the bar. Because when I read it, it was so heartbreaking and I wanted to see how it went. I felt really invested in both Jo and Alex’s journey with this storyline, so by the time it got to the door [scene], I myself was almost exhausted. I felt like she was again putting it all on the line, but I remember saying to the director, “I don’t want her to be upset. I don’t want her to play it that way. I really feel like, at this point, she feels like she’s done everything she can.” But it’s always scary because I was like, “He’s really not even gonna open the door to her?” And they’re like, “No. He’s keeping it closed.” And that made it so difficult, as she stood there in this costume. There’s something so vulnerable about it to me.

TVLINE | Alex letting her in… Do you feel that’s the biggest hurdle they’ve cleared so far?
That’s an interesting question…. I would say yes. In their relationship, yes. Obviously, the biggest hurdle was admitting that they had feelings for each other. But again, this situation was taxing, because they’re both horrible at communication.

TVLINE | It was almost more of a test than a hurdle. Like, will he let her be there for him in that way?
Yes — and I think the door was obviously symbolic of him literally letting her in. And I don’t feel like Jo has been like this ever in a relationship either. There was a point last week where he says to me in the elevator, “It’s none of your business.” I remember discussing it with the director and thinking, “I would just be like, ‘We’re done.’ I would text him and say, ‘You can’t talk to me like that.’ Even Justin was sort of like, “Wow. He’s giving her such a hard time.” It was almost difficult to play, but I loved it because I feel as if her showing up is something she’s never done in the past. I think she’s thinking that he won’t open the door. I think she’s thinking that it will not fix things, but she just has to say it. I saw that as Jo progressing herself in a relationship.

To read Camilla’s full interview with TV Line, click on the link -> Grey’s Anatomy Post Mortem: Camilla Luddington Weighs In on Alex’s Decision, Future of ‘JoLex’

&#9733 The screencaps from this week’s episode “Thriller” have been added to the gallery. Click on the link.

Screencaps > 10.07 – Thriller

&#9733Below is the promo for next Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy titled “Two Against One”.


In a new interview with The Reel Spin, actress Camilla Luddington who plays Dr. Jo Wilson on Grey’s Anatomy talks about her character Jo’s relationship with Alex and what it’s like working with Justin among other things.

TRS: You and Justin Chambers (‘Alex’) have incredible chemistry. How much fun has it been getting to explore this new relationship this season?

Luddington: Justin and I always have a lot of fun together. We laugh a lot on set and get excited to see what’s next in the cards for ‘Jo’ and ‘Alex.’ There’s a natural ease and familiarity between us because we’ve had an entire season of being stuck together filming, and I think it shows. Especially in scenes where we get to joke around together. This season is tougher then last though because now they’re together and navigating their way through a new relationship, and they aren’t the best at communication. They’re learning, but there are times when I read a script I just wanna scream at them both, “Talk! Please! Just talk to each other!” But, it makes for good drama.

To read the full interview with Camilla click on the link -> Grey’s Anatomy: An Interview with Camilla Luddington

And a reminder that tonight airs a new episode of Grey’s Anatomy! Happy Halloween! &#9760


Here are a couple of pics of Justin on the Grey’s Anatomy set and at the most recent table read.

The first pic has Justin, Ellen Pompeo and guest star Evan Crooks on the set during the filming of episode 10.08 “Two Against One” which airs next Thursday (Nov. 7). The second pic was posted by Shonda Rhimes this Wednesday and features Justin, Sandra Oh and Tessa Ferrer at the table read for episode 10.11. Click on the thumbnails for bigger pics.


Also, below is a sneak peek from this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy titled “Thriller.”


As usual the screencaps from the most recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy have been added to our gallery. Click on the link for the album.

Screencaps > 10.06 – Map of You

Next week Grey’s Anatomy airs its Halloween themed episode titled “Thriller”. Check out the promo below.