UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

Its taken a few weeks to get things sorted, posted, registered, written etc.  and we still have a few things here and there to do.  But, the forum is now open for the public to use.  (I was to excited and wanted to open now).  Thanks to the mods joining us, i still have one to register, and if you applied but did not get picked, don’t worry I’ll be wanting you soon.  More things will be popping up throughout the day in the forum, so keep coming back.

As for the rest of the site, I am busy like a bee.  Loads of things will be popping up very soon if you have not seen them yet, so keep your eyes open.

Some Forums you should get posting in:


Visit the forum now!


TV Guide’s Matt Roush mentions Justin in his weekly TV review:

I did get a kick out of Justin Chambers projecting nerdy and perky instead of sullen and prickly as a more upbeat Karev (who’s still a louse in the relationship department), and Chandra Wilson giving us the meek “Mandy” Bailey, fired for not speaking up and thus causing the great Ellis Grey to lose face.

The screencaps from the “If/Then” episode took me a little longer than I anticipated but they are finally up.

8.13 – If/Then

Next Thursday ABC (and CTV) will air episode 8.14 “All You Need Is Love” which is a Valentine’s Day themed episode and this is the promo:


ABC released the promo stills for episode 8.16 titled “If Only You Were Lonely” which airs February 23rd. I added to our gallery 9 HQ stills and a MQ behind the scenes pic of Justin with co-star Chyler Leigh.

8.16 – If Only You Were Lonely

If Only You Were Lonely” – As Adele’s condition continues to deteriorate, Richard considers altering their living situation; an explosion at a local coffee shop results in a busy day in the ER for the doctors; Callie takes Meredith under her wing by helping her study for her boards; Lexie joins Arizona and Alex in peds, as they continue to care for intern Morgan’s premature son; and when Jackson snaps at a patient, Mark encourages him to find ways to relieve his stress. Meanwhile, Cristina lets her suspicions get the best of her, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


ABC posted the first 10 minutes of the next episode of Grey’s Anatomy which is the alternate realty episode “If/Then”. The episode airs on Thursday, Feb 2nd.

Bonus pic of Justin with a fan this week:


Hello there, Justin Fans. Fay is back again, i don’t really speak up much, Im the one who does things behind the scenes pays for things, does technical things.
The Site is coming up to have being online a massive 4 1/2 years, which for fansite is middle age, as many have swapped hands, died and so on after a few years. When I started the site, back in my first year of college, I never thought we would be so popular.
Anyway, you may be thinking we need a change of scenery, could do with a decent place to chat, where is up to date information?

Well… I will be changing the site massively soon, including adding all affiliates who have asked so far.
Currently on my list of things to do:
Get new layouts (wordpress, videos, gallery)
update scripts, add plugins
make a press archive
improve filmography
update current projects
add interview archive
add quotes
update justin information
update alex information

The forum is currently just an idea. A massive one, we used to have one I think and nothing happened. So this time, if i set one up i would need a team, to kick it off, help moderate, and be around to chat. If you want to be a part of it, comment below please.

If you would like to add your site to affiliates, or have any other ideas/suggestions or comments for the site. Please also comment. Thanks


This update includes screencaps from the most recent episode, “Hope For the Hopeless” and the promo for the next episode, “If/Then”.

8.12 – Hope For The Hopeless

Next week ABC will be airing a repeat of episode 8.10 “Suddenly” and on February 2nd the alternate reality episode titled “If/Then” will air. This is the promo for episode 8.13 – If/Then.


ABC released the promo photos for Grey’s alternate reality episode airing February 2nd. Going by the photos we’ll certainly be seeing Alex as we’ve never seen him before. The episode synopsis is below and also the link for the HQ photos that have been added to the gallery.

Promotional Photos > 8.13 – If/Then

“If/Then” – As Meredith puts Zola to bed and falls asleep, she begins to wonder — what if her mother had never had Alzheimer’s and she’d had loving, supportive parents? The reverberations of a happy Meredith Grey change the world of Seattle Grace as we know it. What if she had never met Derek in that bar and he had never separated from Addison? What if Callie and Owen had become a couple long before she met Arizona? And what if Bailey never evolved from the meek intern she once was? “Grey’s Anatomy” airs THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.