UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

Happy Birthday Justin! We hope you have a great day! From us here at
Justin Chambers Online! 😀

I added a few pics from the Grey’s Anatomy screening at the Rome Fiction Fest and new a video from that day.

3rd Annual Roma Fiction Fest – Grey’s Anatomy Screening – July 8


Here’s some fan video from the Grey’s episode screening at the Roma Fiction Fest with Justin and Eric answering a few fan questions. That girl isn’t gonna wash her hand now! 😛

I added a few pics from the Grey’s Anatomy Photocall for the Roma Fiction Fest and I also added a few pics of Justin & Keisha sightseeing and looking lost (lol!) in Rome Tuesday afternoon.

Sightseeing in Rome, Italy – July 7

3rd Annual Roma Fiction Fest – Photocall/Press Conference – July 8


This morning Justin and co-star Eric Dane took part in a press conference for Grey’s Anatomy.

3rd Annual Roma Fiction Fest – Press Conference – July 8

The articles about the press conference are in italian and that’s not a language I speak all that well (see article sources for the orginal content) but here are a few things Justin said during the press conference were:

  • The success of Grey’s Anatomy is because it’s like ‘E.R.’ with the medical situations and like ‘Sex & the City’ with a lot of relationships and the more sentimental aspect. Above all, the success is due to the diverse type of characters and stories the show has which cover all age groups so there’s at least one character the viewers can identify with.
  • He never knows what is going to happen on the show but what he can say is that these doctors take life very seriously and it reflects in their relationships.
  • He’d like to be an actor for as long as he can but he takes everything one day at a time. The show has been a great launching pad for him and he’ll possibly look into producing and doing more humanitarian work in the future which is something he really likes to do.
  • Asked if he’d like to see his character have a spinoff like Addison with ‘Private Practice’, Justin says he doesn’t think his character would work in a show of that type and he’s happy on Grey’s and likes being part of that group of people.
  • Justin says he watches ‘Lost’ and lot of HBO shows which, in his opinion, has produced some of the best television in recent years. As a viewer, he prefers TV to movies and he hates reality shows.
  • He supported President Obama during the election campaign and although there are some issues Justin disagrees with, he thinks Obama has done a lot for America and he’s proud to have him as President.

Source 1
Source 2

Tonight is the screening of the Grey’s Anatomy episode “Dream a Little Dream of Me – Part 1” at the Roma Fiction Fest and Justin will be attending so we’ll likely be getting more pics from that! 🙂


With a bit of luck we’ll get some new photos in the next few days while Justin is in Rome, Italy doing promotional work for Grey’s Anatomy. We got lucky!  😀   First photo of Justin on the orange carpet of the Rome Fiction Fest.

3rd Annual Rome Fiction Fest – Opening Ceremony – July 6 **new photos added**

Three years ago some of the Grey’s cast was in Europe promoting the show. I added some photos from the different stops Justin made in 2006.

46th Monte Carlo Television Festival – Grey’s Anatomy Photocall – July 1
46th Monte Carlo Television Festival – Closing Ceremony – July 1
Giorgio Armani Priv̩ F/W 06/07 Fashion Show- Paris, France РJuly 5
Grey’s Anatomy Press Conference: Milan, Italy – July 6
Blu Note Cafe – Milan, Italy – July 7

I also added more photos to the Hawaii vacation albums

Maui, Hawaii – June 18
Maui, Hawaii – June 22


I finally finished uploading the “Public Appearances” pics that went missing when the site changed servers and I added many NEW pics to those albums. To check out those albums and the new pics, click the link to go to:

Public Appearances

Next week, Justin will be at the Grey’s Anatomy presentation (July 8th) at the Rome Fiction Fest. The episode that will be screened will be the first hour of the season 5 premiere (Dream a Little Dream of Me- Part 1) and I’m hearing that he will remain in Rome till the end of the Festival on July 11th, meaning he’s likely spending his birthday in Italy this year. Lucky guy! 😉 Here’s the poster for the Grey’s screening part of the RFF:


A few weeks ago i got an email about a competition from lovetripper magazine.  sorry its so late, i just kept forgetting to post.  Anyway here is the email…and other details

Hi! I’m the assistant editor of Lovetripper magazine, an online site
dedicated to romantic travel. We’ve recently launched a Romance Hall of
Fame section, featuring the top 10 in the fields of TV, movies and music,
as voted on by our readers. For our June contest poll, we are asking
readers to vote for their favorite TV weddings of all time, and as the
wedding of Alex and Izzie is on the list I thought that the news might be
of interest to your readers.

To enter, fans simply pick out their favorite couple from the list, then
tell us why that wedding is their favorite. A selection of comments for
the top 10 shows chosen by our readers will be included in the Romance
Hall of Fame. (Here’s a Romance Hall of Fame page from one of our
previous polls, which asked readers to vote for their favorite sci-fi TV
couples of all time:)

Romance Hall of Fame

One winner, chosen at random from all entries received by 11:59 p.m. on
June 30, 2009, will receive their choice of either a DVD of a
wedding-themed movie or one season of their favorite show on DVD.

Contestants can enter once a day. The contest is open to fans worldwide.



I added some new pics of Justin & Keisha snorkeling in Maui, Hawaii yesterday.

Maui, Hawaii – June 22