UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Greys Antomy-4.15.Losing my Mind
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

Last nights (five, uk) episode was amazing ‘staring at the sun’, i think i might watch parts of it again. That man talking in third person, with his peck implants was hilarious, and Alex let Izzie touch a patient. And Then…..Anyway, here is the promo for the next episode (in the US) 4.15-Losing My Mind, I dont think this really tells you what is going to happen, even if im a season behind the US. I’ve also found an amazing Greys anatomy Fan Vid on Youtube, heres the link amazing Vid!, it has some amazing justing chambers moments and the music fits really well. There are also many more grets videos, but i just thought this needed recognition.Heres the link to the next episode in the uk, 3.09-From a Whisper to A scream Enjoy!

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