UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Updated some photshoots
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

I updated and added some of the photoshoots, in the gallery.  Unfortunatly the images, i got were all tagged, but at least we can see them, right? They are just pretty to look at.

Randall Slavin (Hollywood Life)

Randall Slavin (Room100)

I have some images of justin at some appearances, i will have to add them tomorrow or later tonight, as I got a little sidetracked.

I also wanted to thank everyone who has visited the site and keeps visting, not long ago we passed 50,000 hits.  Which is amazing and when i started this site, 1 ½ years ago.  I never thought it would get this big, thank you so much to everyone who has donated anything, links us and comments our messages.  Also, a even bigger thank you to the wonderful Diana, because we seriously wouldn’t be as successful without her. 😉

One Response to “Updated some photshoots”
  1. Diana says:

    Congrats Fay and you’re welcome! And yes, thanks to all who visit and have contributed in some way. 🙂

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