This is a round up of things about the season 13 premiere of Grey’s Anatomy and it includes: episode screencaps, promotional photos, the Shondaland Revealed podcast with Justin & producer Betsy Beers, and a BTS video from when they were filming the premiere.
Justin’s interview with Entertainment Weekly was already posted HERE.
★ ABC released some promotional photos from the episode after it had aired. The link to the album is below.

★ The screencaps took me a while to do, but they finally at the gallery. Apologies for the ABC and Notorious logos on some of them.

★ Justin was the guest on the Shondaland Revealed podcast hosted by Grey’s exec-producer Betsy Beers last week. In the podcast they discuss Alex’s journey, the season premiere, also lots of non-Grey’s things and Justin answers a few fan questions. Podcast can be listened to at Entertainment Weekly, iTunes or the Youtube video below.
★ Below is a video Giacomo Gianniotti (Andrew DeLuca) uploaded to his Instagram of him and Justin filming the season premiere. Check it out because it’s pretty funny. 😂