The staff of put together a list of shows and actors they feel deserve to be praised and have been overlooked by the Emmys. Justin is one of the actors they name in their Emmys 2011: Alterna-Emmys Staff Picks
Justin Chambers (Grey’s Anatomy)
I remember the first time I laid eyes on Justin Chambers was when he played JLo’s suitor, Massimo, in The Wedding Planner. What with his benevolent charm and adorable accent, didn’t you just want to take him home, make pasta, and help teach him English? While this was a small and simple role, he made it just a little harder to root for Matthew McConaughey. Now, aside from my little crush, throughout the years Chambers has really come into his own and developed quite the bad-boy character as Dr. Alex Karev on Grey’s. He personified everything girls should never want in a guy: a cocky player and an all-around asshole with a history of cheating. Yet somehow you can’t help but love him. He embodies the reason girls always go for bad boys. We forgive his constant betrayals and incessant pig-headedness because he exudes such charm that it’s hard to stay mad. As his Grey’s career progressed, however, Chambers transitioned from bad-boy to something else entirely. He gives his character depth as we sympathize with his traumatic upbringing and realize that he wasn’t born a jerk – past happenings are to blame. There were points when Chambers allowed us to see the good guy buried deep inside and he’s shown that side in moments of weakness where he’s – dare I say – vulnerable. This development was gradual, but we needed to see the bad boy first in order to be drawn in. Our boy, Alex, has come along way from giving George syphilis. Kudos to Chambers for making our sexy bad boy oh-so lovable. He’s definitely Emmy worthy. -Kelly Schremph
Actress Kate Mines who will be guest starring on Grey’s Anatomy as Nurse Gloria posted a pic of herself on the set with Justin, Jessica Capshaw and Patrick Dempsey.

I continue on my mission to screencap the season 5 and 6 DVDs before season 8 starts. I screencapped 5 more episodes from season 5 and had to stop. One can only take so much “Ghost Denny”. 
5.06 – Life During Wartime
5.07 – Rise Up
5.08 – These Ties That Bind
5.09 – In The Midnight Hour
5.10 – All By Myself