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Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

Another set pic! This time it was Sarah Drew who tweeted a pic of herself with Justin on the set of Grey’s Anatomy today.

TV Guide and TVLine have some (disappointing, IMHO) spoilers about Alex and the upcoming season of Grey’s Anatomy with quotes from Justin. I’m going to put it all under a spoiler cut just in case some don’t want to know.


From TVLine:
Question: Will Alex be forgiven for what he did to Meredith in the Grey’s Anatomy finale? —Dawud
Ausiello: As Justin Chambers sees it, that’s one wound that will not be easily healed. “What he did was wrong,” he tells me. “It was really uncool. There’s nothing worse than a rat fink.” Ironically, the Jesus Juice he was under the influence of may prove to be his savior. “The alcohol had a lot to do with it,” Chambers reasons. “That’s the only thing that’s making me go, ‘OK, we all make mistakes. We do stupid things when we drink.’ But still, that’s a hard one to get past.”

Question: Any news on the romantic front for Grey’s Anatomy‘s poor Alex now that yet another girlfriend has fled the scene? —Kelly
Ausiello: I’m guessing he’ll dip his toe back in the dating pool again at some point this season, but if you ask me it’s an exercise in futility. There’s only one woman for Alex, and her name’s Izzie. And I think Chambers will back me up on this. “They were the real deal — or as much as a real deal can be on Grey’s Anatomy,” Chambers concurs. “That was the love of his life.” Amid talk that the show may be heading into the homestretch, Chambers admits he “would love” to see Katherine Heigl return to give their storyline closure. “Heigl is so fun,” he raves. “She is one of the funnest people I’ve ever worked with. She really is a special gal. I would love to have her back. Maybe we will before the season ends.”

From TV Guide:

Since the Grey’s Anatomy residents are now taking on solo surgeries, how will Alex handle that? — Pearl
NATALIE: Alex was never great with solo surgeries (see: the elevator power outage of Season 2), but his status as a social pariah may actually work in his favor. “I think he’s going to apply himself a lot more this year because he’s not going to have a personal life,” Justin Chambers says. “He’s done with the relationship thing for a while, with what happened with Lucy. No one wants to talk to him because he’s a rat, so he’s going to concentrate on being a better doctor.”


There’s a new article up at TV Line where Justin discusses his uncertainty about his future on Grey’s Anatomy once his contract ends in May 2012 and about the possible series finale:

Since the contracts of many of its original cast members are set to expire in May, Grey’s Anatomy could well play out its most suspenseful story off screen this season — potentially its last.

Whether the actors stay or leave, and whether the ABC hit does call it a day, Justin Chambers is keenly aware that there is no turning back. “It makes me sad to know that we’re closer to the end [than the beginning],” the actor tells TVLine. “[But] it’s been a great ride. It really has. There was no better job that I could’ve fallen into.”

Like Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo, Chambers is undecided about whether he’ll re-sign, even if there does turn out to be a series with which to re-sign. “I don’t know if I’ll go farther,” he insists. “I don’t know if the show will go farther. When we get to that point, we’ll go from there…

“We know it’s going to end sooner or later,” he continues. “It’s just about ending well and the audience getting what they want out of it, and maybe there are some amends made with the characters, because they’re very flawed.”

If he and his fellow MDs don’t re-up, Chambers is skeptical about the chances of Grey’s‘ survival. “It’s possible [it could go on], but I doubt it,” he says. “Meredith is the voice. We need that voice — I do think that. That’s a big part of it.”

For her part, series creator Shonda Rhimes remains confident the show will return for a ninth season. “I don’t presume to speak for the studio or the network,” she says, “but I don’t think this is the last season of the show.”

Neither does ABC president Paul Lee. Although this week he announced that Desperate Housewives would end after its eighth season, he’s far from ready to set an end date to Grey’s. “Hopefully, [it] is going to go on for many, many years to come,” he says, shrugging off any concern about his stars’ contracts expiring. ”We don’t have to face that for some time.”

In the meantime, the show has another milestone to mark. The second hour of its Sept. 22 season premiere is its 150th episode. “It seems like the 100th just came up,” Chambers admits. “Maybe we will go to 200. You never know.”


Grey’s Anatomy actor Jesse Williams tweeted a pic of Justin, Sara Ramirez and Sandra Oh on the set of the show.

Jesse Williams' photo Callie, Alex & Christina say Hi from set! (Sara Ramirez, Justin Chambers & Sandra Oh!!!)

I’m finally getting around to screencapping the Grey’s Anatomy season 5 DVDs and also season 6 DVDs. For now I’m leaving the smaller TV episode caps but eventually they’ll be deleted. Today I added the screencaps for the first 5 episodes of season 5.

501/502 – Dream a Little Dream of Me
5.03 – Here Comes the Flood
5.04 – Brave New World
5.05 – There’s No ‘I’ in Team


Yesterday, Justin was at the LA Tennis Center (at UCLA) where he helped with the coin toss for the 2011 Farmers Classic semi-final match between Alex Bogomolov and Ernests Gulbis.
I added to the gallery a HQ pic of Justin with both players (click the pic for the event album):


Shonda Rhimes tweeted a pic of Justin and Sandra Oh on the set of Grey’s Anatomy today. They are currently shooting episode 8.02 which happens to be the 150th episode of Grey’s.

Happy 150th Episode of GA!! on Twitpic

P.S. – I will get back to updating the site again soon…


I would really appreciate it if certain Grey’s Anatomy fan sites would stop stealing our pics/scans and cropping or covering our watermarks. You know who you are but if you want to pretend you don’t, I have no problem in calling you out. I personally go through a lot of work searching for material and it is frustrating to see a lot of things that I upload ending up on another site (Sadly, sometimes only a few hours later) without giving Justin Chambers Online any credit.

Have some consideration for the time and effort Fay and I put into this site. Thanks.



I added some new Calvin Klein print ads and replaced a few others with bigger versions.

Calvin Klein Jeans Fall/Winter 1998
Calvin Klein Jeans Fall/Winter 1999
Calvin Klein Contradiction (1998-2000)
Calvin Klein (1998 &1999)

I also uploaded another CK Contradiction commercial from 1999.

EDIT: This isn’t Calvin Klein related but Justin was spotted yesterday at Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk with the family. A fan snuck a pic of him: