UTF-8 Justin Chambers Online » Happy Birthday, Justin!
Justin Chambers Online

EST 2007 | The Best Justin Chambers Source for 12 Years

I was going to put up some boring, generic thing but I came across this fab gif set made by someone who obviously put much time and effort into it and I thought it deserves to be shared with the many Justin fans out there.
Thank you Laura and great job! Full credit for this obviously goes to Laura (a.k.a. jcappy) and you can check out her Tumblr here –> http://jcappy.tumblr.com/

As for us here at JChambersOnline.Com, we’d like to wish you a very happy birthday, Justin! We hope you have a great time celebrating 42 years of life (42? Seriously? Not 32? ;)) with your loved ones.


6 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Justin!”
  1. fay says:

    i like this gif thing, alot. πŸ™‚
    now i must stop procastingating myself and get back to work, so then maybe i can go home and sort the archive out πŸ˜‰

  2. Diana says:

    Yeah, you’re going to have to fix what I messed up… 😳

  3. Laura says:

    thank you! this morning i got a message on tumblr of a girl telling me that you had published my gif set, and i couldn’t believe it! so well, i’m glad you like it and tank you for giving credit πŸ™‚

  4. Diana says:

    It really does look amazing, Laura! πŸ˜€
    The light blue even works nicely with our layout. πŸ˜† I also really love the quote you used (the Jessica Capshaw one) because it is so completely true.
    Thanks for making the gifs and for being cool about us using it. I always get a little apprehensive about using fan art (the fan may not like it) but I just couldn’t let this one go. It’s that good.

  5. buba says:

    hey Diana! great fansite. i look here every day πŸ˜€ greets from the hot Poland!

  6. Diana says:

    Hello! Thank you for visiting! The credit for the site should go to Fay. She’s the one who does the heavy lifting around here. πŸ˜‰

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