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The Insider posted a short clip that runs for 43 seconds from the blooper reel that will be on the Grey’s Anatomy season 8 DVD set out next week. Information about the bonus features say the blooper reel is 2:21 min long in total.


Entertainment Weekly posted a deleted scene tha will be on the upcoming Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 DVD set. The scene is from episode 8.10 “Suddenly”

This is what EW says about it and the video can be watched below.

One of the great joys of Grey’s Anatomy‘s last season was watching the relationship between Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) develop further, as the doctors worked together on the smallest patients inside Seattle Grace Mercy West’s neo-natal unit. The special kinship between the pair is on display in the upcoming, Sept. 4 DVD release of Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Eighth Season in a fun little deleted scene that EW has here for you exclusively.

The never-before-seen scene comes from the January episode “Suddenly” and finds Karev and Robbins performing surgery on one of the hospital’s newborns. “Huh,” Karev says unceremoniously, in the middle of operating. And that’s what Robbins takes issue with: “‘Huh’? You don’t ‘Huh’? when you have an open newborn baby on the table,” the motherly/teacherly doctors scolds Karev. “You know what? I’m taking over.” Karev continues his mumbling, and that’s where the funny comes in between this pair: “Hey! Use your words, Karev!” Robbins implores him. “Or you’re not making another cut.”

Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Deleted Scene


TV Guide posted an article where Grey’s Anatomy producer Shonda Rhimes explains what we can expect for Alex in season 9.

Keck’s Exclusives: True Love For Grey’s Anatomy’s Alex?

Grey’s Anatomy’s Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) hasn’t had much luck in the love department since being abandoned by wife Izzie — and when Season 9 premieres, he’ll still be “a dog sleeping around,” says creator Shonda Rhimes. But not for long.

“This is the season I want to see Alex find true love — his person to land with,” adds Rhimes. It’s also possible Rhimes will delve into the character’s dark childhood and finally introduce his abusive, drug-addict father.

I’m certain Justin will undoubtedly nail it if given those storylines so I hope Shonda and her writing staff deliver on both those fronts. Season 9 will surely be my favorite season of the show ever if this happens. I’m excited.

ABC still hasn’t aired a promo with new scenes for the season premiere titled “Going Going Gone.” For now, they’re airing the following teaser promo:


Bad Boys, Broken City, Boiling Crab, Blue Jeans – what do these things have in common? Justin.
This is another update where I round up a bunch of different things. In August, I plan to start making updates to the gallery and video archive because I’ll have more time.

  • To start things off, TV Line is running a ‘TV’s Best Bad Boys’ tournament. Alex Karev/Justin won the first round against Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) from “Smash”. Now, in the second round, he’s up against Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) of “How I Met Your Mother”. Voting ends tomorrow (I think) so vote for Alex/Justin at TV Line: TV’s Best Bad Boy
  • No material has been released yet from Justin’s movie Broken City but the movie recently received its rating from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). The movie has been rated R for pervasive language, some sexual content and violence.

  • Next, a fan recounts meeting Justin. Click on the link to read about it: “I was in the check-out line at Trader Joe’s off Sunset/H-wood recently when I looked at the guy checking out next to me…”
  • Justin was sighted dining at The Boiling Crab restaurant in LA a few days ago. Click on the thumbnails for the pics.
  • To end this update, do you spot anyone familiar in this 1997 commercial for Canyon River Blue Jeans? Hint: ice cream

  • 07/11/2012

    I was going to put up some boring, generic thing but I came across this fab gif set made by someone who obviously put much time and effort into it and I thought it deserves to be shared with the many Justin fans out there.
    Thank you Laura and great job! Full credit for this obviously goes to Laura (a.k.a. jcappy) and you can check out her Tumblr here –> http://jcappy.tumblr.com/

    As for us here at JChambersOnline.Com, we’d like to wish you a very happy birthday, Justin! We hope you have a great time celebrating 42 years of life (42? Seriously? Not 32? ;)) with your loved ones.



    Tyler Gregory and Scott Hannah are students at Southeastern High School in South Charleston, Ohio (the same high school Justin went to) who wrote and directed an anti-bullying film called “Don’t Lose Hope”. They submitted their video to the NO BULL Challenge nationwide contest and made it into the Top 15. On July 21st they’ll be in San Francisco for the 2012 Teen Video Awards.

    Tyler and Scott posted on FB that Justin called to congratulate and wish them luck. He also sent them a video message in support. Very cool of Justin to do this.
    Congrats to Tyler and Scott and best of luck at the Teen Video Awards! 😀 Justin’s video message can be watched below and Tyler and Scott’s video can be watched here –> Don’t Lose Hope

    Site news: For those who have gone to our video archive since the end of last week, I’m very sorry. I accidentally deleted my account and all the videos I added don’t appear on the video page! The videos are still on the database but they have to be assigned to a new account. Fay will be the one doing all that soon.

    In the meantime, if you want to watch a video you can watch the ones that I embedded in previous updates. Click on the link and scroll through the updates to the video you want:


    This is what happens when you’re tired, awake at 5 a.m. and have mastered the art of procrastinating. Lesson learned.


    This is going to be one of those updates with a lot of different things all in one.

    A few fans took a pic with Justin while he’s been vacationing in Mexico.
    This is the same pic but one is a regular pic the other has the Instagram filter. Choose whichever you prefer and click the thumbnail.

    In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about season 8 of Grey’s Anatomy, Sandra Oh mentions Justin.

    THR: Changing it up a bit, after so much heavy material this season, was there a scene that stands out when it was the hardest to keep a straight face?

    Sandra: Justin Chambers is pretty funny and always makes us laugh during scenes in April’s office.

    To read the full interview click here – The Hollywood Reporter

    In an interview with TV Guide, Chyler Leigh mentions Justin.

    TV Guide Magazine: You also had a movie out that Justin Chambers [Alex] was originally slated to be in.

    Leigh: Yes, Justin wasn’t available [because of his Grey’s shooting schedule] but we still made the movie called Brake with Stephen Dorff as the main character. I played his wife. It came out in March. A really incredible little movie.

    To read the full interview click here – TV Guide

    Now for something funny. The Hollywood Reporter makes its picks for the cast of a hypothetical 2012 Euro Cup movie. IMHO, their best match up is Shrek as Wayne Rooney. Heh How about Justin as Dutch player Wesley Sneijder? Yes or no?

    Casting the 2012 Euro Cup Movie

    Soccer fans in Europe -– and even beyond -– will be glued to their TV sets over the next month as European countries face off in a tournament to find the continent’s best national soccer team. Like in Hollywood, star power will play a key role. THR looks at some of the soccer stars who will show their skills in Euro 2012 and casts the A-listers who should play them in the big screen version of the Euro Cup.

    Wesley Sneijder and Justin Chambers

    The only Euro Cup player with a direct Hollywood connection: Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder, considered by many the best free-kick specialist in the world, is married to actress Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau, who appears in Michael Bay’s new film, Pain and Gain alongside Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson.