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Here is the Canada AM interview on the set of Grey’s Anatomy!


Heads up for the Canadian fans: CTV’s morning show, Canada AM, will air an interview with Justin on the set of Grey’s Anatomy tomorrow! šŸ˜€ I will most likely have the video up soon after it airs here on the site. šŸ˜‰

Canada AM aired an interview with Kevin McKidd today. The interviewer was saying that a lot of the show is very serious but the cast also has fun together and asked if there are times when they break character. Kevin’s answer:

Oh yeah, we just did it with Justin right now. We were doing this very serious scene and Iā€™m going, ā€˜Weā€™ve got 12 more trauma victims coming in. This is really, really bad.ā€™ And I turn around and Justinā€™s looking at me. Justin cannot keep a straight face at all and I just cracked up. It was terrible. Weā€™re very unprofessional here.

I love hearing these stories. šŸ˜†


Last Sunday, Justin participated in the WordTheatre production “Stories of Home” benefiting the Friendship Shelter. I added a couple of pics from that day to the gallery and in an article about the benefit there is a bit about Justin.

Justin Chambers, revered for his role Alex on televisionā€™s ā€œGreyā€™s Anatomy,ā€ said he prefers reading from a text to memorizing lines as it, ā€œgives you more room to interpret.ā€ Chambersā€™ interpretation of ā€œLoserā€ by Aimee Bender, about orphan boy with a gift for finding lost objects, was heartfelt and truly evoked the emptiness of a young man who found ā€œthingsā€ but would never find the parents he lost in a tragic accident.

To read more, click: Star Studded ā€˜Stories of Homeā€™ Benefits Homeless

Now on to the usual… Screencaps from Thursday’s episode and promo for the next episode which airs in two weeks (Dec. 2).

7.09 – Slow Night, So Long


Yesterday, Justin took his five kids to the Nintendo launch of the all new “Donkey Kong Returns” for Wii. A few small pics of Justin at the event with his kids and talking to actress/singer Ashley Argota have been added to the gallery.

Launch of ‘Donkey Kong Country Returns’ for Wii – November 13

Ashley Argota tweeted about meeting Justin and posted a pic (click on it)


EDIT: A new still from last night’s episode of Grey’s has been added. Click on the pic for the album.

I added the screencaps from this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy to the gallery and the ABC and CTV promos for next week’s episode “Slow Night, So Long” are below.

7.08 – Something’s Gotta Give


We’ve been asked for an address to send Justin fan mail and/or autograph requests. There are two addresses for that – the production office of Grey’s Anatomy or the talent management company Justin is signed with.

Justin Chambers
“Grey’s Anatomy”
Production Office
Los Feliz Tower, 4th Floor
4151 Prospect Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Justin Chambers
Industry Entertainment Productions LLC
955 S. Carrillo Drive
Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Here is a sneak peek at this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy – Something’s Gotta Give.


EDIT: At the end of this post I added the “Share a Moment” clip that has a few scenes from the next episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

Screencaps from episode “That’s Me Trying” are up at the gallery.

7.07 – That’s Me Trying

Justin gets another mention in the writers’ blog – Grey Matter – this week:

I also hope you dug Alex in the bar at the end when he imitates her scream at Owen. ā€œMOVE OR Iā€™LL RUN YOU DOWN.ā€ Thereā€™s this thing that happens when you write dialogue into a script – you can hear in your head just how you think the actor will say it. Sometimes youā€™re right. Other times youā€™re completely surprised (and usually pleasantly) by how differently they decide to interpret the words. With this line, though? Justin Chambers did EXACTLY what Iā€™d hoped he would. Except he did it about a billion times funnier.

Promo for the next episode, “Something’s Gotta Give”:

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